Born: 1982
Playing age: 22-35 years
Height: 180 cm.
Weight: 77 kg.
Hair color: light blond
Hair length: short
Eye color: blue
Height 180 cm.
Neck to floor 157 cm.
Dress length 128 cm.
Jacket length 178 cm.
Waist length 47,5 cm.
Shoulder length 61 cm.
Shoulder height 99 cm.
Shoulder breadth 13 cm.
Sleeve length to elbow 50 cm.
Sleeve length 79 cm.
Upper arm width 34 cm.
Elbow width 31 cm.
Wrist width 19 cm.
Armhole depth 22 cm.
Breadth of back 40 cm.
Upper chest 102 cm.
Waist 91 cm.
Trouser waist 92 cm.
Width of hips 101 cm.
Seated width 109 cm.
Thigh width 63 cm.
Knee width 44 cm.
Calf width 39 cm.
Ankle width 24 cm.
Crotch 72 cm.
Seated height 22 cm.
Seated length to knees 59 cm.
Seated length 111 cm.
Crotch length 81 cm.
Hat 59 cm.
Neck 41 cm.
Gloves 10
Shoe 44
Off-the-shelf clothing size, top M
Off-the-shelf clothing size, buttom 34